"The sea is as close as we can come to entering another world"
- Quote seen on entering Monterey Bay Aquarium's sardine room
I found some pictures from a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and thought I would share them here even though these were taken about a year ago on my point and shoot camera. The monkey (seen here with his Ammama who was visiting us then) is now a very opinionated pint sized little man, no longer the baby in these photos!
You should definitely make a trip to the aquarium if you find these angelic beings as fascinating as I do. (I could stare at them for hours. Or days.)
...and If your bucket list includes high fiving a star fish
And especially if you have little monkeys who would like to have conversations with fish...
....or look for Nemo
...or just make silly faces with grandmothers from behind the fish tanks :)

If you are visiting the Bay area and especially if you are planning a trip to beautiful Carmel or Big Sur, the Monterey Bay Aquarium is close and is definitely worth seeing. There are special events at the aquarium during the day including wine tasting and even celebrity chef visits so check out the website before you plan your trip. Cannery row where the aquarium is located, where there used to be sardine canning companies which are all shut down now, is also interesting to stroll through. There are many quaint little shops and restaurants.
If you are driving down from San Jose it is only about a two hour drive and you must make a pit stop at Morgan Hill at the delicious Trail Dust BBQ. The Gilroy outlet malls are also enroute if you want to stop for some deep discount and factory store shopping and in July, Gilroy is the destination for all garlic lovers during their annual Gilroy Garlic Festival.